Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Working With Photoshop Part 2 / Week 6

As we progress through the course I am finding my self more and more interested in the development of new communication technologies, noticing the newest features on the latest MP4, or the mobile phone, in more detail. I am now also able to understand communication technologies on alot more detail, for example, the inner workings of the internet.
This week I will be expanding my use of technologies and experiment with photoshop to alter images for the first time, and, lucky you, they will be posted right here in this blog. So don’t laugh if they are awful.


I found this picture of the boardgame 'pictionary' in a Google search. I used this game as my choice as it is my FAVOURITE!!The picture was originally in its normal colours with a white background. I have used a colour changing tool in photoshop to give it an orange tinge.


In my opinion the mobile phone is the most widely used new communication technology, so I chose a picture of a man using his mobile to represent communication. As you can see, I have utilized the layering tool in photoshop to add a picture of Gollum from Lord of The Rings in the top right hand corner. I have also added a speech bubble with the words "this phone is my precious" with 'my precious' being the term Gollum uses to describe The Ring. For those of you who haven’t seen the movie, The Ring causes alot of destruction and consumes anyone who possesses it. I thought incorporating this concept with the use of mobile phones would be an interesting way of looking at how the use of mobiles phones is consuming my generation.

"news worthy"

Originally this picture consisted of all animal pictures with the words 'help us' in the middle. I deleted some of the images and replaced them with photos of myself and my friend Kristyn. I believe that anything to do with helping animals is newsworthy. The reason that animals need saving is because developments in society has caused destruction of original habitats, due to the fact that individuals are helping themselves (help u). I thought that the photoshopped version of this image could represent a newsworthy animal rights campaign.


Wentworth Miller is a celebrity, mainly due to his role in the hit Television Series 'Prison Break,' this being the obvious connection between the topic and picture. I thought I would enhance this idea of celebrity by adding in a femme fetale like figure who is obviously in awe of Millers celebrity status. In editing this image, I was required to use the eraser tool alot, which I found interesting to utilize. The image of the lady had alot of white colour around her, which covered some of the picture of Miller. Utilizing the eraser tool and layering tool, I was able to erase the white colour around the lady without effecting the image of Wentworth Miller.


The original of this image was a typical auzzie; there was a wide brim hat with corks hanging off it. With the hat being the most obviously auzzie aspect of the original image, I decided to change it to a police hat, as this is a world wide known hat, and doesn’t differentiate any cultures, which is what the original hat did.

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