Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Excel / Week 11

Wow.. Who could believe it is week 11 already? In 4 more weeks I will be exam/stress free and living the party life (not that exams ever stopped me from partying!) I look forward to going home in the break, spending some actual time with my family instead of a rushed weekend every so often.
This course is probably the most interesting out of all my classes. I think I am going well and enjoy the content, especially when discussion of new technologies will lead to a dystopian future arises.
Our tutorial task this week was pretty much the same as last with Microsoft Word, except this week we used EXCEL.
Having used excel all through high school, and in my business statistics course this semester, I found the task quite simple, that is entering data and using formulas. However, when the I read the next section of the task I was like macrowhatnow?! After reading the instructions about 10 times I finally understood what to do. It was a slow process, but rewarding once I finished. I’m sure that with practice inserting macros will become as easy as entering data.
Well I guess I didn’t really have any problems, except that slight bit of confusion with the macros. I’m not sure whether or not this software will be useful to me in my future career as a journalist, however, you can never know with these things!
The lecture last week was possibly the most interesting (in my opinion) so far. Utopia and dystopia are interesting theories to explore, and having studied George Orwells 1984 (and loving it) last year, i enjoyed examining the concept of dystopia from a different perspective and concerning cyberpunk and new technologies.
Well anywho, I’m off shopping and then to parky.. cya :)

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