Thursday, May 31, 2007

Exam revision / Week 12

I know that this week there is not really any reason to be writing a blog, as exam revision is not exactly a relevent thing to write about, but i thought I would write down a few things that have been happening..
Well, obviously i have been studying for this course, prepping myself for the exam, and as weird as it sounds i am actually enjoying it! Even though it is basically all i am doing due to how far behind i became in the readings, i am finding it quite intellectually stimulating.
Also, another topic of interest which i thought i would mention is how i really liked last weeks lecture on cyperpolitics. As a journalism student with a major in marketing and politics, it is inevitable that i believe cyberpolitics is great. I found The concept of E-Democracy and how political campaigning has become very internet based very interesting, along with ideas about unequal access and whether e-Democracy can be concidered democratic. I wonder if there are going to be more programs which are going to make the internet more accessible, thus, making E-Democracy like some sort of citizen revolution? Or whether this is just an idea circulating at the moment with no promise of a future?
Well, this is possibly the shortest blog ever! and i guess that was my attempt to make it longer!
catch ya

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Conclusion / Week 13

wellety wellety wellety, what have we here? The final post for my blog in new communication technologies?? OMG IT IS, the final post, thats right I am finishing, finito!
Well tomorrow I will be getting up at 7am, putting on my face, coming to uni at 8-30 and then doing 100 multiple choice questions on the content of this course. I must admit that this course was my favourite even though the lecture was on a friday morning, which was almost suicide after Uni night at Parky on thursdays.
I guess the reason I liked this course so much was because it made me think about concepts beyond what was in the text book and lectures. It really stimulated my mind and sparked ideas and theories which is what i love to do. The primary reason I am at university is to gain higher knowledge, and this course definently succeeded in that.
As nerdy or stupid as it sounds I love politics, and particularly enjoyed learning about political campaingn strategies on the internet and E-Democracy. Also, the discussion of how technologies could either lead to a utopian or dystopian future was great!!
I must admit I enjoyed reading the textbook more than attending the lectures.
Overall there was nothing in the course I didnt really like (except the 9am start) and I found it interesting and relevent to my future career as a journalist.
The movies all concerning time travel were confusing, complicated, at times disgusting, however, I guess relevent to the course.
Well I guess that is all for me, thanks for reading,
catch up wit ya later

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Excel / Week 11

Wow.. Who could believe it is week 11 already? In 4 more weeks I will be exam/stress free and living the party life (not that exams ever stopped me from partying!) I look forward to going home in the break, spending some actual time with my family instead of a rushed weekend every so often.
This course is probably the most interesting out of all my classes. I think I am going well and enjoy the content, especially when discussion of new technologies will lead to a dystopian future arises.
Our tutorial task this week was pretty much the same as last with Microsoft Word, except this week we used EXCEL.
Having used excel all through high school, and in my business statistics course this semester, I found the task quite simple, that is entering data and using formulas. However, when the I read the next section of the task I was like macrowhatnow?! After reading the instructions about 10 times I finally understood what to do. It was a slow process, but rewarding once I finished. I’m sure that with practice inserting macros will become as easy as entering data.
Well I guess I didn’t really have any problems, except that slight bit of confusion with the macros. I’m not sure whether or not this software will be useful to me in my future career as a journalist, however, you can never know with these things!
The lecture last week was possibly the most interesting (in my opinion) so far. Utopia and dystopia are interesting theories to explore, and having studied George Orwells 1984 (and loving it) last year, i enjoyed examining the concept of dystopia from a different perspective and concerning cyberpunk and new technologies.
Well anywho, I’m off shopping and then to parky.. cya :)

Microsoft Word / Week 10

In our tutorial today we were required to write a letter in Microsoft word, which I originally thought would be simple, as I have been using word for what seems like forever.

At first, tasks such as using italics and underlining certain words was ridiculously easy. And then stuff such as double spacing was not AS easy, but I was still familiar with it.

Then we started doing things which I had never heard of, for example the 'tracking changes' tool. I thought this was very interesting, and with a bit of practice will become quite easy to use. I think out of all the things we were asked to do in word today this was one which I learnt the most from, and will probably use it frequently.Our last task was by far the most difficult. The mail merge. I had never even heard of it before and found it difficult to use. It was only after help from my tutor that i was able to understand it, and even then only just.

Essay / Week 9

Analyse how the information society and new communication technologies are affecting internet surveillance and discuss this concept in relation to privacy.

It is no surprise that society has become increasingly conscience of their surroundings, possibly to the extent of paranoia, with the threat of terrorist attacks and reports of murder and criminal activity occurring everyday. These atrocities encourage individuals to accept new communication technologies in the form of surveillance as a system of security which “makes it far more difficult for people who actually want to commit a crime.” (Munro, J. 2006, Para 2) As a communication and information technology, the internet offers a vast range of opportunities. It also creates privacy risks concerning personal data and identity, with new communication technologies being used as surveillance devices which intrude the privacy of others. Is the next big thing to increase the paranoia of society the risk of losing confidentiality, personal data, even an individuals own identity? This paper looks at the rise of the informational society, within this new communication technology, and the effect it has on internet surveillance. This concept will be discussed in relation to the personal and informational privacy of individuals.

The rapid rise of new communication technologies and increased knowledge has led to the current era in which we live being referred to as an ‘information society.’ This society has been created by the “volume and velocity of information” (Webster, 2002, Para 12) which is contained in the new communication technologies. Within this society the creation, distribution, and manipulation of information is significant within our economic, political and cultural lives. The new communication technologies “offer increasing efficiency and connectivity for business, governments and individuals” ( and are being introduced ay an increasing rate, affecting human communication with profound impact. The 20th century is said to be the era in which mass amounts of “privacy invasive technologies” (Clarke, 2001, 2) arose, such as caller ID and monitoring of emails and web usage.

It is a current concern that new information technologies, especially the internet, are being exploited as a method of surveillance; “the marriage of computers and telecommunications is the major material force in the new technology of surveillance” (Oscar, H. Gandy, Jr. 1989, 63) with both positive and negative opinions concerning this idea. Modern surveillance technology is defined as “an integrated system of hardware and software that includes devices for sensing, measuring, storing, processing and exchanging information and intelligence about the environment.” (Oscar, H. Gandy, Jr. 1989, 62) These devices are sometimes obvious, however are becoming increasingly discrete, which is easiest to do on the internet, this being the reason why the internet is becoming more popular as a medium of surveillance. It has even been suggested that the ‘information society’ has passed and is being replaced by the ‘surveillance society’ which “sneaked under our guard and has been implemented.” (Clarke, 2001, 1)

The internet is a new communication technology which has moulded the ‘information society’ and is becoming increasingly popular everyday. “The internet began in the 1970’s as an academic computer science experiment funded by the U.S Department of Defence.” (Clarke, 2001, 3) It is now primarily a means of communication, and a source of knowledge, being referred to as “the biggest revolution next to the industrial revolution.” ( The internet has “transformed the nature of surveillance,” (Oscar, H. Gandy, Jr. 1989, 63) where information is measured, processed and exchanged by unknown specialists and technicians. This information could be about anyone using the internet as “individuals are no longer brought under surveillance merely to determine whether they have committed a crime…more frequently to determine if an individual has even the potential to commit a criminal act.” (Oscar, H. Gandy, Jr. 1989, 63) This idea creates many ethical issues, the most concerning being privacy.Privacy comes in many forms, informational and personal being the two most obvious. An individuals privacy is breached when personal data and personal information has been interfered with by other people. The previous discussion of new communication technologies, especially the internet, within the information society has suggested that if they are used in a particular way that, yes, they can violate interests of privacy. Roger Clarke, author of ‘Information Privacy on the Internet’ believes that “privacy is under severe threat as a result of, among other things, the application of advances information technologies.” (Clarke, R 2001 page number) He goes on to further describe the internet as “a vast array of ways in which people’s privacy can be and is being intruded upon.” (Clarke, 2001, 2)

This analysis of new communication technologies and the internet and its consequent discussion of privacy is liable to comparison with the ‘prophetic nightmarish vision’ concerning surveillance presented in George Orwell’s dystopian future narrative nineteen eighty four. Within this novel there are realistic technologies such as two way video screens and microphones which are used to track every move, feeling and thought of individuals within this world. The theme of surveillance within the culture is reinforced on all levels by the constantly repeated slogan ‘Big Brother is watching you.’ The surveillance in this novel seems extreme and completely unbelievable in present society, however it has been compared to internet surveillance which is described as “embedded in the construction of identity, political culture, the practices of everyday life, and in forms of power and resistance.” In a final comparison of Orwell’s vision and Internet surveillance, Roger Clarke surmises his opinion, “The last 50 years of technological development has delivered far superior surveillance tools than Orwell imagined. And we didn’t even notice.” (Clarke, 2001, 7)

In concluding this paper the concept of whether ‘surveillance society’ has replaced the ‘information society’ is brought back to surface. It has been clarified that the advance of communication technologies is significantly affecting human nature, especially the rapid rise of the World Wide Web. The discussion of privacy concerning the internet suggests that the confidentiality of individual’s information and personal data is disintegrating. In addition, the comparison of modern surveillance to that portrayed in Orwell’s dystopian narrative further supports the theory of a surveillance society. The use of surveillance has become a part of everyday life for society, especially concerning internet users. The fact that it has been established in a discrete manner with many people still unaware of its effects is bound to have an interesting effect concerning the privacy of individuals.

Oscar, H. Gandy, Jr. (1989) The Surveillance Society: Information Technology and Bureaucratic Social Control Journal of Communication 39 (3), 61-76
Munro, Julianna. (2006) Just what is Surveillance Technology? Accessed 6th May 2007Webster (2002)

How the Information Society differs from other Societies Accessed 6th May 2007

How significant has technology been in the development of human communications in the twentieth century? Accessed 6th May 2007

Clarke, R (2001) While you were sleeping … Surveillance Technologies Arrived, Australian Quarterly 73.1, 1-8

3D Worlds and Socialising on the Net / Week 8

Today we have been asked to compare 3D messengers with the traditional Instant messenger programs. I looked at Active Worlds which is a 3D chat world environment that looks like a cross between a computer game, and a regular chat room. First I chose a nickname then went into a park like location as a tourist where there were lots of other people who I could walk up to using the arrows on the keyboard and "talk" to. My character could also go swimming, and what people were saying was printed above their heads.

This 3D messenger is unlike anything I have ever experienced before, and is completely different to the MSN messenger which I normally use. The socialising in traditional messenger forms is more one on one with only the particular person you wish to speak to, and it is more private as other people cant see you conversations. In the 3D new messenger there are more people involved in conversations and you can see other peoples conversations, just by "walking" up to them. It is also more visual, with this technique conforming to more recent new communication technologies. The text which is used in MSN messenger and the 'smilies' seem lame compared to the virtual world you enter in Active Worlds.

I can not see virtual messengers such as Active Worlds completely taking over the tradition messenger style, however with the rapid pace of new communication technologies who knows where this will take us...

Working With Photoshop Part 2 / Week 6

As we progress through the course I am finding my self more and more interested in the development of new communication technologies, noticing the newest features on the latest MP4, or the mobile phone, in more detail. I am now also able to understand communication technologies on alot more detail, for example, the inner workings of the internet.
This week I will be expanding my use of technologies and experiment with photoshop to alter images for the first time, and, lucky you, they will be posted right here in this blog. So don’t laugh if they are awful.


I found this picture of the boardgame 'pictionary' in a Google search. I used this game as my choice as it is my FAVOURITE!!The picture was originally in its normal colours with a white background. I have used a colour changing tool in photoshop to give it an orange tinge.


In my opinion the mobile phone is the most widely used new communication technology, so I chose a picture of a man using his mobile to represent communication. As you can see, I have utilized the layering tool in photoshop to add a picture of Gollum from Lord of The Rings in the top right hand corner. I have also added a speech bubble with the words "this phone is my precious" with 'my precious' being the term Gollum uses to describe The Ring. For those of you who haven’t seen the movie, The Ring causes alot of destruction and consumes anyone who possesses it. I thought incorporating this concept with the use of mobile phones would be an interesting way of looking at how the use of mobiles phones is consuming my generation.

"news worthy"

Originally this picture consisted of all animal pictures with the words 'help us' in the middle. I deleted some of the images and replaced them with photos of myself and my friend Kristyn. I believe that anything to do with helping animals is newsworthy. The reason that animals need saving is because developments in society has caused destruction of original habitats, due to the fact that individuals are helping themselves (help u). I thought that the photoshopped version of this image could represent a newsworthy animal rights campaign.


Wentworth Miller is a celebrity, mainly due to his role in the hit Television Series 'Prison Break,' this being the obvious connection between the topic and picture. I thought I would enhance this idea of celebrity by adding in a femme fetale like figure who is obviously in awe of Millers celebrity status. In editing this image, I was required to use the eraser tool alot, which I found interesting to utilize. The image of the lady had alot of white colour around her, which covered some of the picture of Miller. Utilizing the eraser tool and layering tool, I was able to erase the white colour around the lady without effecting the image of Wentworth Miller.


The original of this image was a typical auzzie; there was a wide brim hat with corks hanging off it. With the hat being the most obviously auzzie aspect of the original image, I decided to change it to a police hat, as this is a world wide known hat, and doesn’t differentiate any cultures, which is what the original hat did.

Adobe Photoshop and Blogging; A Beginners Guide / Week 5

Hello again to all my blog readers!!This week I am gathering images from an external source and putting them on my weblog. This sounds like a bit of a challenge, as I'm not quite sure how to do this, however I am sure I will work it out. This task represents the ability of people to become 'citizen journalists’' by just taking photos of everyday occurrences and posting them on the internet. I find this concept quite interesting to explore due to my future career as a professional journalist.

"High Tech"

To me high tech is considered anything I don’t really understand, and the mechanics of cars falls beautifully under that category.


fun people + fun times + being stupid = Friends. This is me and my FRIEND, Kristyn. We always have a good time together and she is sitting next to me right now in this tutorial.


Anything that is out of the ordinary, wacky, irregular etc to me is unconventional, and having a square head as apposed to the normal oval shape, I would say, yes, is quite unconventional.


When I watch the news, which I try to do every day, I tune into Sky News on Austar. I believe this channel has up to date information, and quite an unbiased view, which is hard to find in newsreporting these days. So when I think of News, I think of this channel.

"uni life"

I attend Griffith, so obviously that is what I think of with uni life. I have included this university in a picture of Australia to give it a global sense, as I intend to travel with my studies.


As with most people, when I think of summer I think of hot whether, which means alot of water to cool down, Eg, pool and beach

When I post this blog the layout goes a bit funny, I must apoligise if that causes any confusion. I will try my hardest (as I have been) to find a way to fix this problem, however it is so far proving quite difficult. A new communication technology is needed to fix this problem!!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Library Research, Databases, Internet Searching and Academic mailing lists / Week 4

I looked at the tutorial task for this week and wanted to scream and run in the opposite direction. I am so excited about tonight where I will be going to the Parkwood Tavern and am just not in the mood. However, I will try my hardest. These are the questions:
1) The first task is for library searches: search the library catalogue and find a resource that will help you formulate your essay topic.
Analyse how new communication technologies are effecting surveillance, and whether this will have a positive or negative effect on society in general.
2) Go to the full-text database search via the library website and find three academic articles that relate to the topic of your first essay. Write a report to post in your blog that summarises the key points in the articles, and comment on how this task has helped you formulate your topic.
Here are some resources I found that i believe will help me formulate this topic:
Surveillance systems reported in CDI, 2002
This article looks at the surveillance methods used to analyse health issues. If I was to use this article, I could specifically focus on the surveillance methods and techniques, and interpretation of data.
Surveillance as Social Sorting: Privacy, Risk and Automated descrimination
This book seems to have more information about the personal privacy risks of surveillance, and talks about its negative effects.It also mentions surveilance as social sorting, which could be an interesting concept to further explore in my essay.
Report 98 (2001) - Surveillance: an interim report
This article is discussing new surveillance laws, and discusses privacy issues which is extremely relevent concerning surveillance in modern society. It also mentions surveillance concerning the interest of the public, which will be helpful in analysing this topic
3) Complete the Scavenger Hunt questions by using a search engine that isn't Google, and post your answers in your blog.
1. What is the weight of the world's biggest pumpkin?
1,502 lbs, (682.7 kg)
2. What is the best way (quickest, most reliable) to contact Grant Hackett?
Well I couldn’t find an answer to this, however, he apparently lives at Palm Beach on the coast, so maybe knocking on doors in that suburb and asking for him would be effective? Or you could just attend the next swimming event and yell to him from the crowd.
3. What is the length of a giraffe's tongue?
An adult giraffe's tongue is 27" long
4. How would you define the word 'ontology'? In your own words, what does it really mean?Ontology is the study of being and existence. In English this simply means ontology is the study of all things living and reality.
5. What was David Cronenberg's first feature film?
6. When was the original 'Hacker's Manifesto' written?'
Small essay written
January 8, 1986
7. Why do all phone numbers in Hollywood films start with '555'?
Well, once again the answer to this question has escaped my own and the internets knowledge. Class discussion revealed the answer; however it has slipped my mind. I guess the answer will forever remain a mystery to readers of this blog.
8. What is the cheapest form of travel from Crete to Rhodes?
By ferry, a really nice cabin for two should cost about 120 Euros.
9. What song was top of the Australian Pop Charts this week in 1965?
Eight Days A Week The Beatles
10. Which Brisbane band includes Stephen Stockwell on keyboards and vocals?
Black Assassins
Thats all for now, I hope you found those random and useless facts interesting and entertaining for the 2 minutes of your life it took to read them. As for me, I’m of to PARKY! later :)

My Experiences with Communication Technologies / Week 3

Hello again,
Today we have been asked to consider life without the advanced communication technologies experienced everyday, and how these technologies effect everyday communication and life.
Well obviously concerning technology, society has advanced in an enormous, almost unbelievable way, I’m sure that 50 years ago people were unable to imagine that what is happening now within the communication and information culture would be occurring. I found this was very evident as I watched the short filme La Jette in the lecture last week, the shapr images and commentary are quite different to the flowing movies viewed today. To be completely honest, I don’t know how I would survive without my mobile, it is my life, my world, my passion. Of course as soon as I buy a new one I am completely obsessed for about a week until the newer model comes out and I work extra shifts so I can save up for it. I go through at least $30 credit per month and send/receive at least 10 text messages each day. With Vodafone I have a deal where I can call any mobile or home phone after 8pm for FREE!! That’s right free of charge, no clams spent. Also, where I live, I don’t have a landline, so all contact with my family (whom I miss like crazy) is done through my mobile. On top of all this communication, I have about 100 contacts stored on my phone, with home numbers, mobile numbers, email addresses etc. So GOD FORBID if I was to lose my phone, alot of valuable information would go along with it, along with my source of communication with family and friends.
So now that we all understand that I could not survive without my mobile, I feel obliged to discuss another new technology which has become my new best friend since starting university. The Internet. During high school I mainly used the internet to chat with friends, friends of friends, and friends of friends of friends into the late hours of the night, giving me the ability to say things to people I would never say in person ( by the way, I cant decide whether I believe that is a good or bad thing). Occasionally I would use it to do homework, however I often found myself searching topics of interest within Google and Wikipedia. Also, I have been talking to someone on MSN messenger for about a year now and have never met him in person. We 'met' through a mutual friend, and 'talking' to him on messenger without knowing him in person effects the things we discuss. Relationships over the internet, in my opinion, are very significantly different ... not in a bad or good way ... than in-person relationships.
Now that I have started University the internet has opened up many new doors for me and we have found ourselves on a completely new level of our relationship. The internet is basically the only means of communication I have with my tutors, lecturers and other staff at the uni. Email is considered THE way in which we as students are informed of important occurrences (such as room changes, assessment items etc) so if you don’t check your student email at least once per day, well, its not good. Also, the copious amounts of assignments means that instead of spending late hours talking to friends on messenger, I am getting continually frustrated with academic search engines and there inability to find the perfect journal article. I still use Google and Wikipedia to promote many obsessions, however not as often these days.
I recently set up a 'myspace' which I use alot to make and receive comments about and from my friends.
So life without new communication technologies, in my case, would be impossible, however my dad who claims he was born 20 years too late has absolutely no interest in Mobile phones or the internet, and lives a perfectly sane life. I guess you just don’t know what you're missing out on until you've got it!
I have been using the internet and my mobile phone for about 6 years, and cant imagine surviving without them now!! The reason I started using these technologies was to communicate with friends and family, and even though I still do that with these technologies, I have found myself using the internet more and more for research purposes.
New communication Technologies has significantly affected everything in my life and the world today, that’s why I think it is so important to be doing this course. :)

Introduction / Week 2

Hello everyone :)
My name is Amie Sawtell, I am 18 years old and a first year student at Griffith University, currently living at the 'University Village' with 70 other university students. I am from a small country town in NSW called Kyogle where I attended High School. I moved up the Gold Coast to Parkwood about 3 weeks ago and am loving my new lifestyle, however missing friends and family.
My family home is a farm 35km north of Kyogle, where my parents work as farmers producing beef cattle. My mum is also a casual preschool teacher. My dad fought in the Vietnam war, and I love hearing stories from both of my parents about their childhood and growing up in what I consider the 'olden days.'
I have two brothers. Josh is 16 years old and attending Kyogle high. He plays lots of sport when he is not injured and loves riding his motorbike. I’m pretty sure he also enjoys camping, because he seems to do that alot with his friends. My other brother, Adam is 30-something and lives in Mosman, Sydney. He works for Optus and wears nice clothes, his job consisting of meeting important people and doing important things... very important, so he tells me. He also lives a party life, with no intentions that I am aware of concerning settling down with a family.
As for me, I am a newborn university student and loving it.
My interests include music, singing, reading, movies and television, journalism, saving the world, dance, pilates, politics, clubbing, childcare and shopping. I love meeting new people and having a good time, whether it be going out on a friday night with my friends, going to the movies or simply hanging out at the beach, my place or at uni. I follow union with my dad (go the wallabies) and netball with mum.. I used to play netball myself, but stopped when I moved out of home.
Feel free to check out my myspace webpage for further information about myself and my life.
This Weblog has been primarily created as an ongoing assessment for a course called New Communication Technologies which I am currently undertaking. Having only attended one lecture and one tutorial for this course, I would not consider myself an expert concerning New Communication Technologies, however so far I am enjoying the course. I have been looking through the text book and am particularly interested in the ideas about surveillance and communication theories, and dialect, and how this all fits in with our ever changing and dynamic materialistic world.I am also interested in how the fast paced development of technology is inevitably going to effect my potential career as a journalist. I feel that this course is extremely relevant to my future career, with new technologies defining the nature of a journalist’s life.
That’s all for now